Saturday, June 8, 2013

Uganda: Take 6

I'm going back. With my husband. It's been three years since I've returned to the land I fell in love with at the age of 22. Now at the age of 30, I'm returning with my husband (a dream of mine), with ambition and hope. There are many goals we hope to attain. In partner with Hands in Service, here are our main goals: to provide quality curriculum for John Eluru Memorial Secondary School; finish the building project of a fence around the school so that the school can cultivate and provide food for itself and create a marketable income; add to the teacher's living quarters; provide quality beds for Kapelebyong Medical Clinic; conduct a 5 week reading program with both middle and high school students; spread the gospel of grace to teachers and students. Six days and counting. I fly off June 15th!!!


  1. GREAT! What timing, too...just had a nice visit with your mom and sister in Oakland. I'd just heard that you were going back. May the Lord guide you and keep you healthy!

  2. We are PRAYING for you and this incredible journey as husband and wife, to spread love and service, and make a difference as a team. I just love that you are making it back there!

    I plan on calling you soon!

    much love to you both!

